One thing about being in a marina is that we can have stuff shipped to us, without having to ship to friends and family to then have them deliver to us. So we've had stuff from Amazon and eBay shipped in. It's kind of like Christmas, except you already know what's in the package.
We've been having escalating reliability problems with our 3 year old Droid 3 cell phones. Verizon Wireless has discontinued their unlimited data plan, which we were grandfathered in. The new "improved" plan would cost us more and give us less. I learned that since we were past our last two year contract, that if I didn't buy a discounted phones from Verizon but got them from somewhere else, that I could activate the phones under our existing plan, get something newer and more reliable, and get 4G speed. Maybe.
Yesterday the Samsung Galaxy S4 phone arrived. It took some time, but no hassles, to get it set up on my line. Configuring the Android OS on my end was easy. Everything works, internet is more reliable, and the screen is much more readable for these eyes. Cindy's phone will arrive early next week. Same drill, different color. And we still have unlimited data.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Status 2014-08-29, Alameda, CA
Maui continues to do well. He will get his stitches out next Thursday. Cindy made him a better collar than the "cone of shame", he can get around but can't do himself damage. We've learned we can have him out of the collar for long periods if we monitor him constantly. We don't get much done but he's less stressed.
We're at Marina Village Yacht Harbor in Alameda until at least September 5th. We've proposed a Freedom Yacht rendezvous in Clipper Cove (Treasure Island) for the 6th/7th, would love to get together with owners of similar boats to compare notes and share stories. Carliane from Kynntana came for a cup of coffee on Saturday, we had a good visit, and since she races a Freedom 38, we learned a trick about sail trim downwind.
So while we are here, we've had some great times with our friends Scott and Susan Bowdish, who live in Rohnert Park. Scott works in Alameda. They were kind enough to lend us her van for the time Maui was in the hospital in Berkeley. We've also tried to work on boat maintenance, the big challenge being leaky windows on this 30 year old boat before the rains come again.
We're at Marina Village Yacht Harbor in Alameda until at least September 5th. We've proposed a Freedom Yacht rendezvous in Clipper Cove (Treasure Island) for the 6th/7th, would love to get together with owners of similar boats to compare notes and share stories. Carliane from Kynntana came for a cup of coffee on Saturday, we had a good visit, and since she races a Freedom 38, we learned a trick about sail trim downwind.
So while we are here, we've had some great times with our friends Scott and Susan Bowdish, who live in Rohnert Park. Scott works in Alameda. They were kind enough to lend us her van for the time Maui was in the hospital in Berkeley. We've also tried to work on boat maintenance, the big challenge being leaky windows on this 30 year old boat before the rains come again.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Maui is home and doing well
Sad to say our boy blocked several more time before he could even get sent home, pulled his own catheter once, and chomped a hole in iv once. Needless to say it came down to surgery or living in the hospital. Had surgery yesterday and came home with instructions to keep him still n quiet. Yeah right!!! Has to wear the elizabethan collar/cone of shame and is not too happy bout that so we are spending the night taking turns on night watch. He is currently sleeping like an angel.
Good thing we like this marina and location as we will remain here till he can be checked and his stitches removed in 2 weeks. Clearly sailing and progress south is delayed while our boy gets healthy.
Good thing we like this marina and location as we will remain here till he can be checked and his stitches removed in 2 weeks. Clearly sailing and progress south is delayed while our boy gets healthy.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
quite the delay between engine and Maui boy
Still in San Fran area... and a tad messed up what has been posted lately. SOOOOO engine went on hold cause Maui Boy started having issues peeing. Apparently very normal for boy kitties. fixed then not etc... on round three now and likely to be in kitty hospital 2-3 more days. Then we will continue to hang out till he proves this fix is for real! If not we all need to decide a sex change is in his best interest. Seriously, that is how they fix boy pee issues when the penis is too narrow to evacuate crystals... ICK and really against our thoughts!
Many many many huge thanks to Scott and Susan for all their friendship, local support, transport, help, and loan of a vehicle. Even after they knew we hadn't driven in 3 months, let a lone California. lol. All is well and her van is in same condition loaned in. Love you guys. : )
Also many huge thanks to our newer friends and fellow cruisers, Steve and Vickie. They are moored slightly south of us and he flew north to get their car. In the process, offered transport which we were grateful and Doug enjoy the guy time too.
Engine still spits oil but we have more wisdom now. Local repairers are all super busy. 4-6 weeks out or have back issues that can't work on ours, under the floor... However we have had much great input from professionals and as soon as we are back in motion will discover if the issues are something we can control with greater rev's (and piss off our cats) or really require overhaul...
Really enjoying our time in San Fran area, technically coastal Alameda. Moderate temps, little bit of burn off needed in AM's otherwise gorgeous! Especially cool to get to spend so much time with Scott n Susan. Not that we wouldn't love to get further south and see some another dear friend, Cindy and our daughter Sally and her family.
Needless to say a very emotional week and a half...
Love to all!
Many many many huge thanks to Scott and Susan for all their friendship, local support, transport, help, and loan of a vehicle. Even after they knew we hadn't driven in 3 months, let a lone California. lol. All is well and her van is in same condition loaned in. Love you guys. : )
Also many huge thanks to our newer friends and fellow cruisers, Steve and Vickie. They are moored slightly south of us and he flew north to get their car. In the process, offered transport which we were grateful and Doug enjoy the guy time too.
Engine still spits oil but we have more wisdom now. Local repairers are all super busy. 4-6 weeks out or have back issues that can't work on ours, under the floor... However we have had much great input from professionals and as soon as we are back in motion will discover if the issues are something we can control with greater rev's (and piss off our cats) or really require overhaul...
Really enjoying our time in San Fran area, technically coastal Alameda. Moderate temps, little bit of burn off needed in AM's otherwise gorgeous! Especially cool to get to spend so much time with Scott n Susan. Not that we wouldn't love to get further south and see some another dear friend, Cindy and our daughter Sally and her family.
Needless to say a very emotional week and a half...
Love to all!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Doug's post spurred me to fill in the blanks. lol
So after 2 days of swinging in Bodega Bay and 3 days of intense fun with Scott n Susan then two more catching up on sleep in Bodega Bay.... we headed into SFBay to Grand Marina because of the Blue Pelican second hand/consignment shop. Lots of stuff needed both ways. Get in and do the exchanges and more visits with Scott n Susan. So good to spend so much time with them!
Stayed at Grand Marina 4 days longer than planned due to leaking antifreeze from the engine, then leaking diesel. Doug got both of them fixed but by then was fed up with the still and everlasting oil leak. Decided not to hit the ocean again till we figure it out....
Good news about Grand was mostly pleasure craft. First marina we have been at that was not well over 75% fishing vessels in fact was probably well over 50% sailing vessels. Significantly less foul language and smoking going on than any previous. YEA!!!
Most previous marinas had 'guest docs' where we were surrounded with other visitors/cruisers. This one, as it seems 1/2 of California does, nestled us in the midst of their regular tenants. Really fun n helpful neighbors, many of which were live aboards.
Among the bizarre was we could use shore bathrooms and showers but no laundry privileges. Super stupid since all claim to be 'green marinas' caring about 'grey water' not flowing into the bays... they ask us to use shore showers and laundry so soap doesn't infiltrate the bays. As well as buckets of laundry use much more water than a washer and California announced extreme water shortage for the summer several months ago. Thankfully, those helpful neighbors gave us laundry privileges too and added that the marina was being super dumb cause they make more money when more folks use their coin operated machines...
To our standard 'watch crew' (those that we report every move to and know when to call the coasties for us) sorry we have failed to report. Scott and Susan have been integrally involved in our steps since Bodega Bay to SF. They live central to all and we have been very 'in touch.' Scott works about 5 minutes from our recent docks.
Sunday night we noticed Maui was more vocal and antagonistic to all. Monday morning when he had difficulty jumping 3 feet up to get on a bench we knew we had problems. also noticed difficulty urinating, swollen and raw privates. Googled closest vet to get hours and called. We were offered emergency appointment in 20 minutes or standard in 1 1/2 hours. Took standard at half the rate, also not sure we could walk in time for first offer. Ate breakfast, coffee and dressed. Then Doug went for a hike with 15#s of Maui in his arms! Urine tests and cultures, sub q fluids, and pain meds sent home with instructions to feed wet foods. Even if it meant 'friskies, kitty junk food' per the vet and fully aware that we have to separate cats due to Squishies allergies.... AAARGH! All done and Maui is recovering nicely!!!! Back to his ornery self. : ) Very happy to report!
Been researching engine repair and /or replacement in the mean time. And did I mention we RAN away to a quiet anchorage to lighten the stress for all..... Anchored off Treasure Island with the new and old bridges beside us. Quite the contrasts. Doug will post pics later.
We definitely appreciate the local knowledge at docks but even more so the quietness of being ALONE at anchor!!!
Starting to get some return phone calls on engine status, repairs, n replacements... Not sure where that takes us....
An extra blessing is friends Steve and Vicky that we met in Newport (Oregon), as quests we were moored beside each other, emailed that Steve will be in the area to retreive their car and has additionally offered his services.
Love to all and still hoping we can get better at keeping you informed!
Doug and Cindy
So after 2 days of swinging in Bodega Bay and 3 days of intense fun with Scott n Susan then two more catching up on sleep in Bodega Bay.... we headed into SFBay to Grand Marina because of the Blue Pelican second hand/consignment shop. Lots of stuff needed both ways. Get in and do the exchanges and more visits with Scott n Susan. So good to spend so much time with them!
Stayed at Grand Marina 4 days longer than planned due to leaking antifreeze from the engine, then leaking diesel. Doug got both of them fixed but by then was fed up with the still and everlasting oil leak. Decided not to hit the ocean again till we figure it out....
Good news about Grand was mostly pleasure craft. First marina we have been at that was not well over 75% fishing vessels in fact was probably well over 50% sailing vessels. Significantly less foul language and smoking going on than any previous. YEA!!!
Most previous marinas had 'guest docs' where we were surrounded with other visitors/cruisers. This one, as it seems 1/2 of California does, nestled us in the midst of their regular tenants. Really fun n helpful neighbors, many of which were live aboards.
Among the bizarre was we could use shore bathrooms and showers but no laundry privileges. Super stupid since all claim to be 'green marinas' caring about 'grey water' not flowing into the bays... they ask us to use shore showers and laundry so soap doesn't infiltrate the bays. As well as buckets of laundry use much more water than a washer and California announced extreme water shortage for the summer several months ago. Thankfully, those helpful neighbors gave us laundry privileges too and added that the marina was being super dumb cause they make more money when more folks use their coin operated machines...
To our standard 'watch crew' (those that we report every move to and know when to call the coasties for us) sorry we have failed to report. Scott and Susan have been integrally involved in our steps since Bodega Bay to SF. They live central to all and we have been very 'in touch.' Scott works about 5 minutes from our recent docks.
Sunday night we noticed Maui was more vocal and antagonistic to all. Monday morning when he had difficulty jumping 3 feet up to get on a bench we knew we had problems. also noticed difficulty urinating, swollen and raw privates. Googled closest vet to get hours and called. We were offered emergency appointment in 20 minutes or standard in 1 1/2 hours. Took standard at half the rate, also not sure we could walk in time for first offer. Ate breakfast, coffee and dressed. Then Doug went for a hike with 15#s of Maui in his arms! Urine tests and cultures, sub q fluids, and pain meds sent home with instructions to feed wet foods. Even if it meant 'friskies, kitty junk food' per the vet and fully aware that we have to separate cats due to Squishies allergies.... AAARGH! All done and Maui is recovering nicely!!!! Back to his ornery self. : ) Very happy to report!
Been researching engine repair and /or replacement in the mean time. And did I mention we RAN away to a quiet anchorage to lighten the stress for all..... Anchored off Treasure Island with the new and old bridges beside us. Quite the contrasts. Doug will post pics later.
We definitely appreciate the local knowledge at docks but even more so the quietness of being ALONE at anchor!!!
Starting to get some return phone calls on engine status, repairs, n replacements... Not sure where that takes us....
An extra blessing is friends Steve and Vicky that we met in Newport (Oregon), as quests we were moored beside each other, emailed that Steve will be in the area to retreive their car and has additionally offered his services.
Love to all and still hoping we can get better at keeping you informed!
Doug and Cindy
Practical Navigation
We picked up a chart of the California coast from here down to San Diego. Problem: How to reference it when we never have the table cleared off to roll it out. Solution: Post it on the curved wall opposite the galley. We're anchored at the top red arrow (Clipper Cove, Treasure Island, San Francisco Bay), then next arrows are proposed next anchorages down the coast.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
We pulled into Bodega Bay Wednesday morning and tried to drop anchor. Ooops the pile of chain had fallen over on itself and wedged in tightly! I came into Vberth and pushed and pulled and freed 2 feet... went upstairs to explain to Doug. He put boat in autopilot and took remote to bow to pull up those two feet and I returned to vberth to loosen next chunk and so it went for 100 feet. lol. Very relaxing two days swinging in the bay! and catching up on sleep : )
Friday we pulled into Spud Point Marina still in Bodega to tie up and begin the party. Well not really but yes and it was great. After the marina had us move and all the hassles around that.... solved by an awesome fuel dock attendant, Reece! We then met Ken and his son Glenn who were also being told to move so after some commiserating we arranged for then to come by later and share some stories. They brought some wine and we told stories and compared favorite anchoring sites, moorages, and more. They went back to their boat/home.
Shortly after that Scott and Susan Bowdish, Doug's best friends from college, arrived and we went to dinner to begin to catch-up. They are dear friends we have seen on average of once per year or two for short periods. Last time we spent any real time together was about 25 years ago, building the stair railing at Snowcrest.... Eventually back to the boat and assessed a few projects on the list... Saturday they arrived with a van of supplies, started projects and energy for more visiting and lunch, then Doug and Susan went shopping while Scott and I attached the list.
We finished first so had a glass of wine, cleaned the kitchen and visited more till Doug and Susan came back with food and cooked for us. Good food, good friends, good memories, good time and another late night! lol
Today they came and the weather was perfect for a soft sail in the bay. First time for them and a great opportunity for us to experience with a beam reach point of sail... came back in to meet Barbara and Frank. It was a great time too. Barbara was the vet who answered on 'just answers' when I was having concerns about Maui Boy twitching.... She is from here and back visiting. Very great weekend and demonstrating we are getting old and worn out!
At least the electric winch handles worked well and are meant to keep old folks sailing longer. lol... seriously, it takes a LOT of work to get the sails up manually....
Barbara and Frank left and went to lunch n we did shortly, ironically to the same restaurant ( only 2 in walking distance) joined up and had great lunch together. Then Scott n Susan took us for a drive to the other end of the bay where we were considering anchoring at that night. Had a lovely and first of our trip, walk on the beach! Decided too tired and too much to do so would spend one more night in dock and go out after Doug repairs down customer that did not want to work on it over weekend....
VERY great time this weekend and so glad for it! Also soooo tired I may not be giving it justice. lol will sleep really well tonight!
Next week into SF Bay and do some supplying and exchanges at the resale shop.... never ending. :) Also another opportunity to meet up with Scott who works there and Susan who has graciously offered to chauffeur us all over the bay area. SF is about 12 hours away but will probably take three days with 2 overnighters out to anchor. One of the major decisions we have made is we don't 'like' sailing overnight but we really do enjoy 'anchor hopping.' Yes it takes a lot of time in and out and is slow but we enjoy it!!!! Guess what we will be doing as much as possible?
PS Grey whales last week were actually hump backs according to the identification boards here!
And from there I am heading to sleep and will correct or add later as needed. love to all!
Friday we pulled into Spud Point Marina still in Bodega to tie up and begin the party. Well not really but yes and it was great. After the marina had us move and all the hassles around that.... solved by an awesome fuel dock attendant, Reece! We then met Ken and his son Glenn who were also being told to move so after some commiserating we arranged for then to come by later and share some stories. They brought some wine and we told stories and compared favorite anchoring sites, moorages, and more. They went back to their boat/home.
Shortly after that Scott and Susan Bowdish, Doug's best friends from college, arrived and we went to dinner to begin to catch-up. They are dear friends we have seen on average of once per year or two for short periods. Last time we spent any real time together was about 25 years ago, building the stair railing at Snowcrest.... Eventually back to the boat and assessed a few projects on the list... Saturday they arrived with a van of supplies, started projects and energy for more visiting and lunch, then Doug and Susan went shopping while Scott and I attached the list.
We finished first so had a glass of wine, cleaned the kitchen and visited more till Doug and Susan came back with food and cooked for us. Good food, good friends, good memories, good time and another late night! lol
Today they came and the weather was perfect for a soft sail in the bay. First time for them and a great opportunity for us to experience with a beam reach point of sail... came back in to meet Barbara and Frank. It was a great time too. Barbara was the vet who answered on 'just answers' when I was having concerns about Maui Boy twitching.... She is from here and back visiting. Very great weekend and demonstrating we are getting old and worn out!
At least the electric winch handles worked well and are meant to keep old folks sailing longer. lol... seriously, it takes a LOT of work to get the sails up manually....
Barbara and Frank left and went to lunch n we did shortly, ironically to the same restaurant ( only 2 in walking distance) joined up and had great lunch together. Then Scott n Susan took us for a drive to the other end of the bay where we were considering anchoring at that night. Had a lovely and first of our trip, walk on the beach! Decided too tired and too much to do so would spend one more night in dock and go out after Doug repairs down customer that did not want to work on it over weekend....
VERY great time this weekend and so glad for it! Also soooo tired I may not be giving it justice. lol will sleep really well tonight!
Next week into SF Bay and do some supplying and exchanges at the resale shop.... never ending. :) Also another opportunity to meet up with Scott who works there and Susan who has graciously offered to chauffeur us all over the bay area. SF is about 12 hours away but will probably take three days with 2 overnighters out to anchor. One of the major decisions we have made is we don't 'like' sailing overnight but we really do enjoy 'anchor hopping.' Yes it takes a lot of time in and out and is slow but we enjoy it!!!! Guess what we will be doing as much as possible?
PS Grey whales last week were actually hump backs according to the identification boards here!
And from there I am heading to sleep and will correct or add later as needed. love to all!
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