Monday, February 1, 2016

Windows or not and weather!

Crazy year for weather!   We are doing well even though we did get hammered by Storm Frances which is aka the leading edge of Kayla.   Plastic wrap turned our boat into an igloo almost a month ago to remove windows for replacement.

 It stayed that way while they drilled, grinded, sanded, sprayed toxic chemical, re-sanded and resprayed because paint severely orange peeled the first time, then sanded some more to prep to insert windows.  Sealant did not set up as well as should have so some will have to be redone.   We are 5-10 degrees colder than usual so at the edge of cooperation for each of these chemicals.  We at least had the 4 long windows sealed in and the 2 front ones set in.  Then we tarped in front of the igloo for rain protection.  Then rethought about the wind-age and lowered it.  Then rethought more and moved it again as the winds were picking up.  Then they picked up and shredded the igloo portion.  During a lull we went up and rearranged the tarp to just on top of the cabin top and tied back the flapping plastic.   Next lull we tied more plastic and duck tapped even more.  This morning we repeated the duct tape.  Can you say sloooow learners????  lol  Then a friend says 'almost hurricane winds' and we go DUH!

Winds/gusts here were clocked by several boats at over 56 MPH.  I felt like we were laying sideways a few times and one sailboat in between big boats measure a 7 degree lean.  We did not measure but wind swooped down from the parking lot and over the cute little blue Bella beside us.  We got very little sleep but that was OK cause the only damage was shredded plastic wrap!  No water leaked in the unfinished windows!  Most of the other boats fared well thankfully, just various degrees of discomfort

After windows are in, we will return to grinding, etc to restore the rest of the boats deck finish.  Should be another 3-4 weeks of 2-4 guys and working on our roof before returning to 'normal.'  HA HA  Like we know what that is!!!

love to all and sleep well before Kayla catches you!  Be safe!!!

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