Tuesday, May 13, 2014

turning point

We've made it past the turning point....  on to sailing and adventure more that the to do list.  Not that we don't still have plenty of "work to do's" and "boat to do's" etc but two days of great sailing and now headed towards Astoria.

Realized we have not been posting and think it was cause nobody really cares how hard we have been working..  lol.  but the adventure is beginning!!!

BTW we've tried to let folks know the blog is up but think spam blockers etc are interfering with the message.  Some have but if you haven't please respond here or email Doug or I too let us know if you are seeing this, then we will know who we are missing.

love to all,
Cindy & Doug 


  1. I for one have been waiting and watching everyday for a new post! Glad to hear you guys are on your way towards the salt, and I look forward to the next post.

    Brother Sam

  2. Good to see posts. Enjoy the adventure!


  3. We are following you. Enjoy reading as to what you two are up to.

    Scott and Susan
