Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Actual transcript of a phone conversation between Cindy and Doug

Background:  Cindy is in the Portland area taking care of some business.  Doug has been on the boat in San Pedro, trying to get a 60+ list of things done, but hampered by a headcold and dislocated ribs (fixed now we hope).  The store is 2 miles away.  Steve and Vickie are friends of ours who have cars at the marina.

Doug:  I'm going to go get some groceries.
Cindy: Are you taking Vickie's car?
Doug: No, was going to ride the bicycle.
Cindy: Dress warm, you don't want to get chilled.
Doug: Honey, I'm in shorts today.
Cindy:  Shut up.  I love you.


  1. Haven't checked in on you two in some time. How did Doug dislocate his ribs?

  2. It started 23 years ago when I rolled a tractor on to myself, and popped out six ribs. Since then, every couple of years one or two of them pop out again, usually after sneezing "wrong", but sometimes doing odd bending and twisting, like some boat projects. Recently, it has been the results of the auto accident in LA. They've popped out several times. The chiropractor has been able to put them back in place. Exercise to help keep them there includes rowing.
