We really liked Avalon, on Catalina Island. The ride over was uneventful, there wasn't supposed to be any wind so we never took off the sail covers. Saw a few dolphins and one humpback whale on the way over. Called in to the marina and got assigned a mooring ball. 5 nights, $64. Heck of a deal. Moorings require setting fore and aft, so you're usually pointing in to the waves. 30 feet of water, can see clear to the bottom. Beautiful orange fish. Spartan is the two black masted ship to the right of this picture.

In winter, maybe 10% of the mooring balls are occupied. It was a short row over to the dinghy dock, then a half mile walk to town. There is even a skiff that comes by twice daily to pick up your garbage and recycling. Things in town are set up for the ferry crowd from the mainland, or the cruise ships, like the one we saw on our way out. There is a small grocery store, a post office, and a hardware store that has pretty much everything you need. And on Sunday we enjoyed worshiping at a church in town.
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