Wednesday, April 16, 2014

can see a little light at the end of the project list

We got a day in February to play when Doug's nephew Kyle and wife Shannon, that live near the previous owner delivered us the second set of sails.  Good time but NO wind.  lol  Tried for the next with Widmer's but I woke up with sore throat and all mutually decided not to share it.  Turns out that sore throat was not ill but reaction to mold in the cabin we sleep in.  Lots of it.  
Maintenance never truly ends but will lighten up eventually.  Currently just seems to continue growing.  We actually did get a foot of snow here too then it melted into our nice warm boat and turned to mold.  Found it Thursday night and Friday gutted the vberth to the deck, dock, cockpit and cabin to thoroughly clean all.  Thank God we found it in time for the only non raining day and it was truly GORGEOUS.  Tea Tree oil in rubbing alcohol and lots of sunshine followed by time and more air circulation should solve all.  Now for all the other pockets of the boat. 

Got that all cleaned up and kept on plodding along.  Every project has morphed but also shown us the blessing that it is happening now, not when we are out to sea.  We are feeling pretty comfortable that we know all the systems on the boat quite well.  If anything breaks we know the workings and can thus fix it.  Honestly most have become 'new' since December.  Good thing we financially budgeted accordingly cause time wise we were WAAAAAY off.  lol. 

Did get another day to play.  Sam and Jaimie and Chloe joined us.  Started out at the fuel dock.  Grateful to have extra hands launching and landing the boat.  A little adventure is good but .... Weather and winds were variable.  Raised the sails during the sunny moments but didn't really provide power.   Then the rains came and Doug and Sam continued to play. Jaimie and I escaped to the warm interior.  

We finally left Jantzen Beach on Tuesday, April 1! We went to Martin Island to anchor in log complete projects n tasks, play and regain experience and generally get some regrouping and relax time.  Not much of the last two yet but can see where it is coming.  Lots of alone space with calm current and modified winds.  We practiced cookies left and right, backing left and right, a small dock here even enabled us to practice docking.  Very good for the comfort zone to experience and then talk out the differences...

We have been burning the candle at both ends and working our tails off...  yesterday was physically hard racing the weather so we planned an easier one today.  Good thing too.  I get to address the blog so all you friends who want to can follow our adventures and Doug started with 3 clients needing him...  still going.   

Have a turnover in the house at 23rd this week.  Tenant received an offer too good to pass up...  coworkers mother has a downstairs for rent.  2 bedroom for $450 and will babysit too.  Was going to look for a property management company...  But another God blessing popped in.  Current tenant beside mom in the duplex recommended his brother.  Not much better than a super great tenant recommending another, especially to be neighbors.  I will be running to FG to assess and do paperwork and gather all the stuff we are having sent to moms address.  lol  Then we will likely head towards Tongue Point / Astoria. Need marine store and a few other errands and more wind and current to play in before waiting for the perfect window to cross the bar.

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