Took longer than
planned of course….
We moved aboard January 29 but still needing return trips to
Lebanon to finish clearing out stuff and prepping house for rental and many
trips to Forest Gove to set up business secretarial services and prepping moms
rental. Feb 2, Doug went back to Lebanon
leaving me with kitties for a 3 day trip…
the stress of the last few years has left us vulnerable to illnesses we
haven’t had for years before and he got a doozie of a bug. Then the snows (12+ inches) came before he
could get healthy. Freezing rain
programmed next and of course a customer situation that is best dealt with
Monday after the roads thaw. He is beginning
to feel human as I write this Saturday evening.
So 10 days later (total) he is expected to return to our new home so I
can turn and burn to take my turn and finish up.
Good thing new tenant (Lori) is friend, very flexible and
good natured. She has already given her
notice and is moving in the back doors as we move out the front. The new tenant to her place is scheduled to
move right behind her. lol
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Cindy, Squishy and Maui Boy |
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S/V Spartan, a 39 foot Schooner |
Start laughing now, as I did cause tizzy fits and whining are
unbecoming. Lol
Cats got off to a great start of exploring the boat together
before they decided this is cozy, where will you live? They take turns sleeping across the mouth of
the V-berth telling the other to go away, or who can get next to mommy first,
and of course the little brother tries to attack her every time she uses the
litter box. At least we bought new
‘soft’ toys so when the play cup hockey we don’t hear every move.
Credit where we can… we had Royal Flush come pump us out
before Doug left me so I did not have THAT emergency to deal with! Didn’t want to unsettle the cats so soon and
have been warned the pump out is is awkward to get to. St Helens is easy!
Wednesday night as I finish up the dishes the water tanks
start to gurgle. Really 200
gallons? Where did they all go? Obviously something we have to get a handle
on. In the meantime water is turned off
at the docks so pipes don’t freeze… I
still had some drinking water left and time to plan… Thursday morning I called the office to ask
about other water sources… left
message… 3 hours later she calls back to
say they were closing up to get home before weather. Clearly not one to actually listen to
messages. I had already given up and
placed order for Safeways to deliver provisions. Expensive but first delivery is free and if I
was to be without transportation for another 5 days… I needed water and food stuffs… only thing is you have to order $49
worth. So I begin figuring what I can
order that won’t go bad and won’t cause 20 trips across the docks and up the
ramp leaving cats alone. Simple, order
all necessities and enough wine to meet the minimum. ; )
BTW I think I forgot to mention we sold the Corolla cause we
only needed one car to finish up and drove here together knowing we would not
leave the cats alone so the person here did not need a car… and the Vibe hauls the most crap! Neighbor across the street owns his own
dealership and gladly added it to his lot!
Saved us a bundle of time and know we are all getting a fair deal. Love dealing with people of pure
Back to Safeways… Old
addresses and lots of confusion, finally got straightened out for
delivery… then they called and reported
don’t deliver in inclimate weather.
Translation, threat of inclimate weather… next plan.
I went walking and found a water faucet she never told me about. Food stuffs are adequate, though pretty
unique so I don’t have to wash many dishes, and I really did not need the wine
anyway… Come back to boat and Maui is
begging to go out and play. Squishy is
mad I left…. I am afraid Maui would jump
to dock and GO PLAY. Keeping him locked
up, so he finds his own play, in the litter box throwing it in all
directions. Really!!! How does one punish a cat for playing in the
box without him fearing the box????
Removed and redirected. Just like
a 2 year old. He is 4 btw. May never grow up.
Shortly after finishing the Safeways fiasco the internet went
wonky. I really don’t get it n Doug is
still to sick to figure it out from a distance.
Thus my computer does get email, mostly won’t send and has been days
since it can focus long enough to connect to a web site. Anyways that means I have plenty of time to
spoil the cats and type things up for later use in our blog.
Heater is the leak we are not sure we have fully found
yet… but still works. Had left Doug a message letting him know one
water tank was dry and asking how to switch it but knowing not urgent as I had
just checked the heater overflow tank.
Two hours later it is dry. Must
add antifreeze which says to mix with water.
Doug sleeping through phone so I called Lori to go wake him up. We figure that out and I find a leak in
doing so. Hose from overflow to pressure
tank are held on with cable ties….
Uh??? Replace with hose clamp and problem
goes away. Doug reminds me to clean the
closet well so Maui doesn’t play in it and clean himself. Hmmm we still have no water beyond the gallon
I carry one at a time.., I think I’ll keep the door closed. Lol
Poor guy was still so sick. (48
hours later I had to add more antifreeze.
Seems like still another leak but oooooh so much better than before.)
Anyway it is at least mostly fixed and has proved
AWESOME. OK so I, the warm weather
friend, have been comfortable if not too warm in this weather of mid teens to
mid 20’s ice n snow. Having a hard time
learning to choose the right temp to regulate to and not about to go cold. Cats hate the noise but have finally learned
that is where the warms come from. Deal
with it or get cold! by their
standards. Not fair that they have the
fur coats and complain the loudest. They
are also hyper alert to any noise here, of which there are many.
I love the rock of the boat.
All 21000 pounds were rocking and creaking for several days. Frozen ice
n snow melting and thudding on the deck or docks, voices on the docks, even
pulling a tissue from the box. We are at
Hayden Island so technically still the Gorge.
I have never seen the Columbia move as fast, even has white caps. Note we usually sail near Scappoose/St
Helens, which is our short term goal. We
will get into a quiet log pond and play around, dock, back, etc to learn our
new boat and renew our / my sailing skills. Seems like Doug never forgets anything he
learns and if I don’t use it regularly I definitely loose it. We sold our last boat several years ago and
it was many before that since we actually got to sail her much.
The year we sailed to the San Juans and back to test our
dreams for reality was the last year of active use… thus I have forgotten most
everything. Except how to relax even in
the face of adversity!
2/11/2014 Switching of the guards today. Woohoo!!!
So the truth of the matter is some pipes at the dock broke
during the freeze so we still don’t have water.
So anxious to get a real shower!
I will finish up the Lebanon house and we will have one less project on
our hands. Really looking forward to the
day we are here together…
Last night I had longer periods of internet cooperation and
this morning seems great! Oops spoke too
soon. I am sure it has something to do
with all the ice n snow are gone….
Another thank you God moment. All
that ice n snow was weighing down lines of all kinds… this morning the cabin lights worked but
house batteries did not have the strength for anything else. Go out on the dock and find the plug had
wriggled loose. No big deal today but
for the last many that would have been a necessary but very dangerous position
to get into… kneeling over the cold
river from snow n ice covered dock.
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